The leftover meatloaf was bland.
I ate the whole portion I was given
but did not ask for seconds,
and tried to make my adding salt
as clandestine an effort as possible.
I never complained, never said a word,
because the meatloaf,
which is usually very tasty
and one of my favorites,
would most likely have been
up to its usual excellence
had I remembered to call
and say I would be late
when she cooked it
So instead
when I finally remembered and called
to announce my tardiness that had
become obvious to her hours earlier,
I could tell by the tone of her voice
that my dinner was now
being basted with large portions
of Chef’s Contempt.
I guess it makes sense how
some meals taste better the next day
but most won’t when they are left to marinate
in a vat of Inconsiderate Bastard
Sorry about the meatloaf.
Ken Owen May 2002
Van Niddy Press
(whew)walked that walk!