Sunday, November 9, 2014

Wrong Man, Wrong Dream (Spirits in Dreamland)

A strange man walked 
through my dream last night.

A small bohemian attic,
low pitched ceiling, an empty cot 
and a table with one chair and a candle
near a half-circle window full of moonlight,

and as I wondered 
whose room this was 
and what my dream was trying to tell me
suddenly, from out of nowhere

a person whom I did not recognize
walked right in front of me and looked directly
into the camera lens of my mind's eye
to see if he recognized me,

he didn't--you could see it in his face.

He was in the wrong room.
He was in the wrong dream.
So he opened a door and left.
It startled me awake

and I wondered 
how many doors in how many dreams
before he found the dream 
he was looking for

and I wondered
how many spirits walk the night
searching for the right dream to haunt
so as not to be forgotten by those they miss.

-written while waiting for Maurice
backstage at Lagunitas Brewery, Petaluma, CA

Ken Owen   
Van Niddy Press   November 2014

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