Thursday, March 6, 2014

Falling in Slow Motion (Elbows and Egos)

It only takes a quick second or two
to lose one of our daily negotiations with gravity 
and that's when things get interesting,

as the ground rushes towards you and you realize
this moment in time is now beyond your control 
and may not end well,

then something inside you flips a switch
that turns on a magical super-power
that slows time to a crawl
while pushing your thought process into hyper-drive,

and the flood gate of thought bursts open
with waves of "who's going to see me dump it?"
and "too late for a graceful landing?"
and "can I save this $3.50 cup of coffee?",

and your survival voice screams "stop, drop, and roll!" - 
a survival reminder from the 4th grade fire drill
that, if done correctly, might reduce the impact
with that bottom step fast approaching,

and then, as quickly as it started, it's over 
as the waves of thought recede
to reveal fresh bruises 
on elbows and egos.

Come to think of it, 
this power to slow time and speed up thought
must be the same thing that happened 
the first time I saw you,

when time stood still and the crowd noise faded away
and I stared into your eyes and knew exactly what to say
as I willingly surrendered to falling and braced for impact 
with no fear of bruising.

Inspired by the story "Shuffle" by Maurice Tani

Ken Owen   Van Niddy Press   March 2014

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