I was having a dream
that I could not sleep
quite strange I’m sure you’d agree,
‘cause I couldn’t tell
who was more confused
the me in the dream or me.
So when I woke up
I decided
not to question the things that I see,
but enjoy the millions
of miracle ways
that things know just how to be.
There’s no sense in telling
a river how to run
or a mirror how to look,
and I’ll never tell
a map where it is
or how you should end your book.
I’ll never direct
the wind to sing
or teach birds how to fly,
there seems no point
to tell rain when to fall
or ask clouds to leave the sky.
As I walk amongst
my brothers and sisters
I won't tell them how to feel,
but remind myself to question not
the source of love's appeal.
As I walk amongst
my brothers and sisters
I won't tell them how to feel,
but remind myself to question not
the source of love's appeal.
When flowers bloom
and die too soon
I’ll smile as seasons change,
and let my dreams
say what they will
and not think their message strange.
Ken Owen
Van Niddy Press December 2019
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