An old black and white
picture of my girlfriend as
a young girl
hangs on our refrigerator
It is one of those pictures
of a child smiling so intently
that it makes you happy
every time you see it
She is in a small row boat
docked on the shore
and it clearly did not matter to her
that the boat was only just near the water
It reminds me of when my son was that age
and my daughter and I would take him
to a local pizza parlor and he would yell
“Pinbaw, pinbaw, I want to play pinbaw!”
and we would prop him up
in front of the modern pinball machine
with its phantasm of blinking-lights and
thunderous clanking noises
and all the while
the great machine was in ‘demo mode’
calling people to come play and
give up their quarters
yet we never had to give him
a single quarter to enjoy himself
as he pushed the flipper buttons
and yelled “Come on, Come on!…Oh!!!”
It never cost me
a dime
and it was
So use your
and your heart
just right
and you won't need to sail your boat
to love the dream of adventure
or play the game
to appreciate the challenge
Ken Owen
Van Niddy Press, October 2019
Van Niddy Press, October 2019
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