I live where the earth
makes houses creak
ever so slightly at night
low deep rumblings come
quickly, unexpected
and jolt the headboard
against the wall
and send the animals scurrying
It is then I become
one of the thousands of people
in bed, senses tingling
holding our breath
as we try to determine
The Big One
or not The Big One:
that is the question.
So far, not yet.
So for now
we live with doors
that slowly open themselves
on frames no longer true
and once-plumb fences
are now crooked spines bowed with age
being pulled in all directions.
When Mother Earth
rolls over to get comfortable
everybody stops
whatever they are doing
to pray her peaceful dreams
continue undisturbed.
Ken Owen
Van Niddy Press February 2018
Van Niddy Press February 2018
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