Thursday, October 3, 2013


Dawn breaks
as the world rolls slowly over
town by town, country by country,
into a rising tide of Sunday.

The first wave 
lapping at your toes
as we lay together,
breakfast in bed
after one more kiss
one more dream,
then a peek through the curtains
at Sunday skies.

Ankle deep in Sunday,
the possibilities of the day
buzzing like summer bees
drifting on the smell of bacon and coffee.

All God's children
wading through their sins
on the penitent path
seek forgiveness 
in their own way and place,
alone or together,
because that's what they've always done
on Sunday.

A day of chores, a day of rest,
naps on couches and freshly mown grass,
games watched and played,
gardens, parks, beaches,
bike rides and trail walks
when someone looks at the sky and says
“The day is half gone already!”
and you realize
you are waist-deep in Sunday.

Sunday Dinner,
the meal for family
here and remembered
as waves of Sunday pound your chest,
a toast to love and health,
for one more Sunday.

Too tired to tread Sunday waters,
with one big breath
you slip under,
until dream tide leaves you 
to wake on gentle shores,
as the world rolls slowly over 
town by town, country by country
into a rising tide of Monday.

Ken Owen     October 2013
Van Niddy Press 

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