Thursday, August 22, 2013


Ruby Juliet Leitner, born August 17, 2013

I will call you
my little Ruby
Popi's little jewel

and I will write you 
poems of magic lands
beyond the clouds and stars

and I will read you 
great stories of faraway places
to build your dreams

and I will show you 
the wonder of nature 
all around us

and I will teach you 
the good of the world
and everyone in it

and I will take you 
on great adventures 
to fill your soul with amazement

and I will protect you
while your spirit
learns to fly

and I will give to you 
the love you make
in me

and I will keep you 
in my heart forever
no matter where you are

and I will call you
my little Ruby
Popi's little jewel.

Ken Owen   Van Niddy Press   August 2013