Saturday, June 22, 2024

The Town Doctor

You can take the pulse of a town

at the local thrift store 

by examining the shoppers and goods 

and how much the place smells 

like grandma’s basement.

You can take the blood pressure of a town 

by counting the number 

of rock and roll band stickers 

you find on the back of stop signs

and assessing how long they’ve been there.

You can estimate the life expectancy of a town 

by counting the number 

of empty store fronts on Main Street 

and asking the concerned locals

“Well, is she a fighter?”

Ken Owen

Van Niddy Press

Saturday, June 15, 2024

1970 Was 54 Years Ago



was 54 years ago

War was global and endless

politicians were crooks even when 

they said they weren’t and we shook 

our heads at the nightly news and knew 

something wasn’t right with the stories they 

were telling and when we realized truth had been 

taken off the menu long ago and would not be 

served again with our TV dinners while in our 

favorite chair and that the change we needed 

would require people to shout louder than 

those who made quiet deals behind the 

scenes people rallied and marched 

and partied their way through 

the turmoil until they 

made things



was 54 years ago

yet we live with daily reminders 

that progress won on battlegrounds 

long since quiet will always require 

vigilant defending against 

challenges by those who 

would turn our 

gains into 


Ken Owen    June 2024

Van Niddy Press