Saturday, April 4, 2020

A Letter from Behind the Curtains

Dearest Ones:

Death is flying 
all around us now
just outside 
doorways and windows

if not careful
we could be 
the next to meet it

and after watching 
the news of the world
when we need a 
reassuring handshake
or embracing hug

they tell us that death 
could be hiding there as well
buried deep in those 
small gestures of comfort.

To say
these are different times
does not come close
to our new reality
of staying indoors 
hiding behind the curtains

while counting how many 
eggs you have left
before you need to brave 
the crowds parading with
eyes wide and desperate
in stores full of panic 
and empty shelves.

This will change many things 
and many people

and it's unimaginable from here
what the other side may look like
but they say 
if we are diligent 
and perhaps lucky
we will make it through this.

I so look forward 
to hugging you again.


Ken Owen      April 2020
Van Niddy Press