(Soft Eggs and Toast)
The counter seats of most restaurants
are full of men
who have no one at home
to cook their soft eggs and toast.
These elderly gents
leave the house wearing their
favorite baseball cap and
“World's Best Grandpa” sweatshirt
and take their place at the counter
with their friends from the neighborhood
who have unwillingly joined the
“She Left Before Me” Club
though some
silently refer to it
as the
“I Was Supposed to Go First” Club
and though they boast bravely
of their willingness to be done with it all
happy once again
when reunited with their love
they do their best
to hide their fear
on days when their destiny
overwhelms them
with news of
an opening in the club
and a place
at the counter.
Ken Owen Van Niddy Press
October 2018