you could feel the collective
sigh of relief rolling through
the 9 counties all the way
to the Central Valley
like a ripple in a pond
Brown lawns
got stoned drunk
and lie there giggling
while flowers could
finally relax and watch gutters
protest that break time
was over
That morning
folks rewarded themselves
for years of conservation
with guilty pleasure showers
that lasted an extra minute or two
while dreaming of reservoirs
glistening blue and full again
in a hot summer sun
It would be alright
to stay inside and let the clouds
remember how to do their thing
while we gazed wide-eyed
from the other side of the window
and stayed out of the way
and off the streets
and out of cars
because the only ones
that know how to drive
around here when it's wet
are you and me.
With so much
in the world
to worry about
at least
it was raining again.
Ken Owen Van Niddy Press December 2015