Things are falling apart
bit by bit
on this life driving machine
called ‘me',
so in the name of full disclosure
to anyone that may consider
taking it for a spin around the block,
there are a few things that require mention:
the headlights don't work well on anything far away or too close
which means everything must land
in some great middle-ground of focus
that begins about a foot past your outstretched arm,
the top still provides cover
but is a thin shadow of its former self,
there have been reoccurring problems
with the belt just below the ever-expanding spare tire,
and there seems to be concern in some circles
about the fuel we've been using
every day at 5:00p.m.
that may have invalidated the warranty,
we can still cruise for fairly long distances at night
without too many pit stops,
there have been relatively few complaints
from any of the joy riding passengers,
the on-board sound system
warbles a good tune when needed,
the horn still produces loud blasts of nonsense
that smart folks seem to ignore completely,
and most importantly
the engine seems to be beating so smoothly
the mechanic sees no reason why we should not expect
plenty more years of good driving.
When I think back
on some of the roads and grand adventures
we've be been on, it's really a wonder
this thing is still running at all,
yet even as the mileage continues to roll over,
a bit of nip and tuck of the sagging upholstery
or a monthly smidgen of touch-up paint to take out the fade
seems out of the question.
We've recently added this years model
with all new shiny parts and that wonderfully distinctive new model smell
to our family stable of life vehicles
and that baby is a real beauty,
and it made me realize just how far I've driven
this old jalopy of me and how I need to keep it in better condition
so I can be around to teach our new little one how to avoid
those nasty pot holes and roadblocks that can throw you out of alignment,
and when I’ve been retired to my spot in the garage
I hope she’ll consider trotting me out
for an occasional Sunday ride
so I can tell her of the glory days
when I was this year’s model.
Ken Owen Van Niddy Press February 2014