I went back to the old home town
to that small cold church
where friends were married
family buried
all those years ago
for one more sad good-bye
how some things never change
and some things can't stay the same.
Our friends were there,
they asked about you.
I couldn't bring myself to tell them
the trouble we've been through.
I let them smile
at the thought of happiness
the air was thick with sadness
enough one day.
...and my mind kept drifting
longing for simpler times
of sunshine and wine
on hot sweaty nights
when things were simple
and right.
And so it was
as I payed tribute
to all things lost
I realized
how some things never change
some things can't stay the same
and there is no going back
to where we've been
all those years ago.
Ken Owen Van Niddy Press April 2013