Saturday, April 27, 2013

All Those Years Ago

I went back to the old home town
to that small cold church
where friends were married
family buried
all those years ago
for one more sad good-bye
how some things never change
and some things can't stay the same.

Our friends were there,
they asked about you.
I couldn't bring myself to tell them
the trouble we've been through.
I let them smile
at the thought of happiness
the air was thick with sadness 
enough one day.

...and my mind kept drifting
longing for simpler times
of sunshine and wine
on hot sweaty nights
when things were simple 
and right.

And so it was
as I payed tribute
to all things lost
I realized
how some things never change
some things can't stay the same
and there is no going back
to where we've been
all those years ago.

Ken Owen   Van Niddy Press   April 2013

There Is.

There is no time like the present.
There is no time.
There is.

Ken Owen  Van Niddy Press    Spring 2013
(inspired by the book "The Power of Now" by Eckhart Tolle)

Sunday, April 21, 2013

Spring Haikus

Man and dog resting
in centerfield cool grass
no ball game today.

Howling winds command
to know thy place in this world
humble little man.

Take one more chorus
reach deep down and find something
that yearns to be told.

Hot morning, cool shade
thoughts drift lightly on soft winds
time is no concern.

Five, seven, five - the
ancient mental exercise
keeps my mind moving.

Behold the artist
who cut themselves so deeply
to capture magic.


First vision of you
in presence of true beauty
stolen heart complete.

Does she really know
the power of her one look
that disables me?

You came just in time
to help me brake free to find
peace resting within.

To love too much is
to neglect the self and lose
the path to the dream.

The answers I seek
you can not provide for me
the journey is mine.
Sometimes it feels like
we have nothing to show for 
our painful lessons.

Love affair complete,
the only question left is
who gets the lawn chairs ?


Bearded man on drums
softly strokes the beat and then
bellows the fire!
(for PT of HJ)

And the band played on
I doubt that anyone got
the clever lyrics.
(for CK of HJ)

Sensitive salads
wilting fast in summer heat
butter lettuce cries.
(for J9)

Haikus in morning
like mental floss for writers
loose small bits of thought.

Enough already!
and with that his haiku phase
ended abruptly.


Ken Owen   Van Niddy Press   Spring 2013

Sunday, April 14, 2013

I Will Tend Your Garden

I will tend your garden
where friendships flowered
fragrant and strong
sown many yesterdays
but live on
in eternal blossom of memory.

I will tend your garden
in early morning mist
as gentle breezes
rush to greet me
with stories of you.

Your touch
caressed the earth
and gave birth
to your vision of beauty.
Your fingerprints are everywhere.

I will tend your garden.

Ken Owen.  Van Niddy Press,   April 2013

Tuesday, April 2, 2013


without passion
without conviction
without intimacy.

without purpose
without dreams
without meaning.

without seeing
without believing
without living.

To live
is just existing.

Ken Owen,   Van Niddy Press,   April 2013

Monday, April 1, 2013

Pay Attention

When he said
"time sure flys when you're not paying attention"
it rang like a bell
and I thought...

That's what artists do:
we are here to pay attention,
to capture the beauty that surrounds us
to sing of our joys and sufferings
and lift the heads and hearts and minds
of those too hurried to notice
all they are missing.

Ken Owen,   Van Niddy Press,   April 2013

She Is Like The Rain

And the rain came
as tapping fingers on window panes
and rhythmic dancing down metal gutters.
With reverent gaze
I let the joy of natures beauty
wash over me and fill me up,
soft and lovely.

She is like the rain.