Jack is waiting patiently for his morning walk...
Jack and I are lucky to be able to start each day with a walk at Quarry Lakes in the Fremont / Niles area of Alameda County. Based on Jack's reaction, it's safe to say its a dog's "heaven on earth", complete with squirrels to chase, ducks to catch (he never does), lakes to swim in when he needs a break, and plenty of dog pals to wrestle and play.
A few weeks ago, I met two different groups of folks on the trail who were vacationing here from Wisconsin. When I mentioned this to the second group, they were not all that surprised, saying "it makes sense why people from back East would want to winter out here". True enough, it was another beautiful day in a week of beautiful weather in the middle of November.
The Bay Area gets a bad rap sometimes for all the known (and perhaps deserved) reasons: traffic, over-crowding, high cost of living, and now high unemployment. But that day, I finished the trail reminding myself to be thankful for this place we call home, and hoping that everyone else here can find the time in their busy day to appreciate something as simple as the weather, and maybe that will help keep things in perspective.